Monday 30 May 2011

The Degree To Go TheDdistance

"Distance education is one area where the growth rate is still higher than the growth rate that experts had predicted, said Professor Jonathan Kydd, Dean of the University of London, an international program.

The university currently has about 52,000 students on different courses outside. "Four years ago we had only two-thirds majority. Who knows where we will be in four years," he said. "The pace of growth is exceptional, and universities such as London are manufactured using a continuous change ".

Professor Kidd has just returned from the Going Global conference in Hong Kong. The organizers of the British Council, it was the first conference of its kind outside the UK, and are not specialized in transnational education.

Degree from a British university is well regarded around the world, with courses in economics, business administration and management are especially popular. Nearly half the students at the University of London International Study Program under the auspices of the London School of Economics.

But it is not only the potential of bankers and businessmen, who are one of the highlights of this new wave in education. With the aid of a grant from the Gates Foundation, University of London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine at the top, has added a new Masters in Global Health launched trained to be politicians in the world entirely on the "Stop TB, malaria and AIDS.